Available Hood Sealant Nozzles For Your Vehicle

Satisfy the Consumer Demand
Our Hood Nozzles are made for today’s market. Whether your hood is made of aircraft-quality aluminum or high-strength steel, the need for complete protection against the elements and environmental corrosive agents is paramount. In order to satisfy the consumer demand for a safer and longer-lasting vehicle, there have been many advances made in an effort to prolong metal integrity and fight off oxidation.
Maximum Corrosion Protection
Wax spray is a relatively new process (indicated target areas marked in yellow). Typically the operator would insert the spray tip of the nozzle between the layers of body metal via a prestamped access hole. For maximum corrosion protection, sealing the entire 360-degree perimeter of the panel is recommended.
Areas marked in red are normally sealed in a fully open or propped position.
Blue marked hems would, due to hinge clearance, be normally sealed in the closed position with a Blind “J” Style tool.